Monday, March 24, 2008

High gas prices...killing us or saving us?

By Landon

Is the rising of gas prices good for the people of the world, specifically America, or could it cause a very uneven distribution of money? When you hear of prices of something going up, you usually become less inclined to buy it. This could change the opinion of many people in the U.S. If less people buy gas, then the supply will be further protected. We don't need to worry about it now, but in 50-100 years our kids will be faced with the problem. Slowing the distribution of gas could provide more of a cushion to transition over to renewable sources. On the other hand, if people are still intent on living the way they do right now and don't plan to slow their buying of fossil fuels, the rising prices could help the economy. This would put more money back into the systems. The big question is, where will the citizens go?

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