Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Solar Energy

By Clarissa

Solar Energy is one of the best renewable resources that we have on this earth. We just need to decide what to do with it. We already have solar cells that are also called photovoltaic cells. As every one knows, they change the sun's energy into electricity. But what else could we do with the power that the sun has? We on earth are getting only a fraction of what the sun could provide for us. Our only problem is how to harness this power. In the future, we could use this power to run our homes, car, street lights, and everything else that needs to be powered. But there are a few disadvantages to solar power. The sun shines in various places at different times. There is no place on earth where we could get a continues ray of sun. But with technology improving, anything is possible.

New Type of Biofuel

by Vinny

Yes, I know most of you who follow this blog are wondering why we are talking about biofuels in a good way. Since before the food prices have gone up, we have been completely against ethanol. But this is different, the biofuel that researchers at the University of Massachusetts discovered is made from a plant that we have previously had no use for. It takes barely any energy at all to make this fuel, so it won't be like ethanol in that sense. The researchers also said that it could be made for $1 per gallon. For more information, click here.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Go Green and Keep Green

By Riley Ruse

#Set your thermostat a few degrees lower in the winter and a few degrees higher in the summer to save on heating and cooling costs.
#Install compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) when your older incandescent bulbs burn out.
#Unplug appliances when you're not using them. Or, use a "smart" power strip that senses when appliances are off and cuts "phantom" or "vampire" energy use.
#Install a low-flow shower head. They don't cost much, and the water and energy savings can quickly pay back your investment.
#Make sure you have a faucet aerator on each faucet. These inexpensive appliances conserve heat and water, while keeping water pressure high.
#Consider telecommuting if you live far from your work. Or move closer. Even if this means paying more rent, it could save you money in the long term.
#Buy locally raised, humane, and organic meat, eggs, and dairy whenever you can. Purchasing from local farmers keeps money in the local economy.
#Use a water filter to purify tap water instead of buying bottled water. Not only is bottled water expensive, but it generates large amounts of container waste.
#Bring a reusable water bottle, preferably aluminum rather than plastic, with you when traveling or at work.

#Borrow from libraries instead of buying personal books and movies. This saves money, not to
mention the ink and paper that goes into printing new books.
#Share power tools and other appliances. Get to know your neighbors while cutting down on the
number of things cluttering your closet or garage.
#Buy in bulk. Purchasing food from bulk bins can save money and packaging.
#Keep your cell phones, computers, and other electronics as long as possible.
#Donate or recycle them responsibly when the time comes. E-waste contains mercury and other toxins and is a growing environmental problem.
#Recycle your cell phone.
Ask your local government to set up an electronics recycling and hazardous waste collection event.
