Saturday, March 29, 2008

Algae Power

By Brandon Bishop :D

Recently, a team of biologists demonstrated that some algae, named Chlamydomonas reinhardtii can produce hydrogen in a specific environment. Normally, these bacterias produce oxygen, but the scientists modified their genes, added copper to block the oxygen production, so the cells’ photosynthesis begins to synthesize hydrogenase and produces hydrogen. The algae also need light in order to produce the H2.

Past methods used sulphur, but the cells died within a few days, because of its depletion
We can call this method in somewhat related to biogas production, but much more powerful. The scientists dream of making large hydrogen production facilities and charge the hydrogen fuel tanks more cheaply. You could also have a bunch of bacterias in your garage and fuel your car with their hydrogen!

So, why not try this? It might be the new generation of fuels?

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