Friday, November 14, 2008

Gas prices on the decline but yet smiles still don't appear at the pump

- Written by Tyler

Even though gas prices are down all across the nation people are frowning as they look into their empty pocketbooks. With gas prices nearing two dollars several places around the country recently, you'd think there would be an opposite reaction. According to THE NEW YORK TIMES NEWS SERVICE- each 10-cent drop in gasoling prices puts $12 billion a year back in consumers' pockets. But it seems that the American people are stilling trying to recover from this summers over $4 per gallon. As they try to pay off their debts (which what most are doing with the profit.) Many people though don't believe it will last, creeping back up after the holidays into the new year. Look at Trisha's blog for gas prices around Colorado. But while the prices are where they are now I think there's a call for a smile or two.

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