Friday, December 17, 2010
Another Is it really that great electric
Fluorescent light bulbs contain at least 5 mg of highly toxic mercury. In Maine, homeowners had to evacuate their house after a flourescent light bulb broke next to an air vent. Thankfully this small amount of mercury cannot kill a human and these light bulb's rarely break.
Solar Power Paint?
Instead of having all of these big solar panels, you could just have the paint of your house and/or car as solar panels. They will attract sun which will go to a generator and power your house and/or car. Is this possible? They have tried a few tests, and it has had a few successful runs, so this would be a great energy saver. SOLAR POWER!
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Energy Efficent Outlet

Universal Remote

Does electric really save?
Energy Saving Heaters

Top Five Green Buildings in the World

The Empire State Building is becoming more Energy Efficient
Refrigator Buying Tips
- Choose top-mounted freezer configuration over side-side: Side-side freezers use 30 percent more energy than top mounted freezers. Even with the Energy-Star sticker, it still uses more energy.
- Size matters: Refrigators that are under 25 cubic feet use less energy than refrigators over 25 cubic feet.
- Recycle your old fridge: Give your old refrigator to the city becuase they might give you money.
- Avoid multiple refrigators: If you don't have enough space in your refrigator, buy one big one rather than two smaller ones.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Solar powered Flashlight

Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Saving energy with plants
Here are some natural ways to save energy using things that help the earth in more than one way. When you use plants it makes your house look better but if you follow some guidlines it can also save you money. Studies have shown that using plants can save you up to 15% in the winter and 50% in the summer. There are three basic elements in this idea that include
1) Trees
3)The use of Foundation plants
When you use these in the right way it can save you lots of money!
For more info go to:
Eco-Friendly Clothes

Crosswalk and Power-up
Monday, December 13, 2010
Solar Powered Hats
By Rhyan Montgomery
Solar Powered Dancing Flower

Save Paper
more at
Zero Energy Homes

Friday, December 10, 2010
Swimming Pool heating
1.) Buy a thicker more reliable pool cover.
2.)Install a solar powered or high efficent heater.
3.) Operate the pump less or buy a more energy efficent one.
4.) Lower water temperature or turn off equipment when you are going on a trip.
"other ideas"
5.) Deal with the cold
6.) Move to Arizona, Mexico or any other really hot place.
Blankets for walls?
Many people complain about how cold it is in the winter and turn up the heat. All that does is raise the electricity bill. Recently I visited my friends house and saw that they had hung blankets on the windows and entry ways. I asked her why and she said "Becuase they keep the windows insulated and when all the heat builds up it goes under the blanket in the other room".
So do blankets save energy? YES
Are they classy? NO
Does it matter if they are classy? NO
Tentacle Woman
More at:
Creative Windmills

Nontree Wood
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Lighting Tips
1)Use lighter colors in a room.
2)Use lower watt lightbulbs
3)Put lamps in corners so that they reflect off of two walls
4)Face ambiant lighting upwards.
5)Make sure lamps aren't on when you aren't in a room.
If you use these tips you will save energy!
Solar Powered Oven

Energy Saving Windows

Room air Conditioning
- Set your thermostat to above 75 degrees in the summer season because every degree above 75 saves 3% of energy for your cooling system.
- Use a timer on your thermostat
- Use Energy Star products
- Place your air conditioner in your central window rather than a corner
- Cover you air conditioners with a quality plastic cover
- Seal space between your air conditioner
- Clean your cooling fans
Personal Flight
Monday, December 6, 2010
Skin can Fight Off Harmful Ozone Pollution!
Ozone is a chemical that in the atmosphere, protects humans from harmful rays from the sun, but on Earths surface ozone is air pollution that is dangerous when you breath it in. Going inside is safer, but still ozone can enter buildings and irritate peoples lungs. A fairly recent study revealed that human skin can protect our bodies from this chemical. When ozone meets the oil on our skin, it makes a chemical reaction. This means that the chemicals in ozone and oil change. For this study, the scientists were surpsed to find out that in childrens rooms there were large amounts of squalene. Squalene is a fat that makes up 10% of the oil in human skin. Squalene sheds, and researchers discovered that it can get on surfaces like windows and doors, and can break up ozone as well as skn does. This discvery can be good to fight off dangerous ozone.
Solar Powered Charger
These chargers use only sun to charge these gadgets. These can also charge labtops. The reason these chargers are more conveinent is that they can charge on the move.
Energy Saving Fireplaces
Fireplaces are a great way to cut down on energy costs because you don' have the heater running. Here are some tips to improve your fireplace. You can add a lymanced damper to prevent drafts from entering the fireplace and making the room colder. You can also find different products that wiil add to the efectivness of your fireplace. when you add these it will make your energy cost even lower and make your house warmer.
For more info go to:
Energy Saving Tips for Everyday Things
Here are some simple tips for saving energy in any everyday situation:
- Use recharble batteries. This will help you save energy and money: rechagable batteries last twice as long and disposibles and you won't need to by as many batteries this way.
- Use a glass or mug rather than a paper or plastic disposable cup. This will help the environment with less paper and plastic pollution.
- Only print what you really need to. Copy and paste information from websites to word documents and delete anything you don't need, and your trash won't pile up as fast.
- Take your lunch to work in a reuseable container to avoid throwing too much away. Also, buy a regular lunch box or carrier to avoid wasting too much money on paper bag.
- Turn off the lights when you leave a room, even if you will be right back. Even saving a little energy helps and sometimes you might forget and waste more energy than you think.
For more information and great green tips, visit:
Saturday, December 4, 2010
walkway lighting
Friday, December 3, 2010
Bubblewrap Insulation for Mobile Homes
Water Heating
The most efficient systems right now are generally gas-fired, but if you have an oil-fired boiler, you can purchase an indirect tank that connects to your boiler. Electric water heaters are not reccommended. If you have a water heater and natural gas is available to you, a switch may save you a lot of money. Even though electric models have a higher energy factor than fuel-burning models.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
New Nanochip Technology
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
antifreeze = antilife
Refrigerator Tips
1)Don't leave the door open! Every time you open the door the temperature goes up and your fridge works harder and therefore uses more energy.
2)Let hot dishes cool before you put them in the fridge.
3)Locate your refrigerator away from the stove and other heat producing appliances.
4)Buy a refrigerator that is only as big as your family needs. Bigger fridges take up more energy.
5)Don't put uncovered liquids in the fridge. They give off vapors that make the compressor work harder.
If you use these tips you will be able to save energy!
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Plant a Tree, Save the World
Planting trees is great for the environment and us. It cleans up the air, but also puts up oxygen. The more trees we have, the better environment we have. Trees are good for us as well. Shade, beauty, and something to play on. So, we are beneficial to it, but mostly, it is beneficial to us! Many foundations have been set up around the world to help people plant trees! GO GREEN and PLANT A TREE!
Different Transportation
Instead of EVERYONE driving their own car, grab a few (meaning at least three) and carpool. Or, grab a few friends and grab a taxi together. Although you are still putting out emissions, you are doing less of them. Same with a bus. Although it puts out emissions, the more people that ride it, the less emissions we put out in our own cars because their is less cars on the road. You could also ride a bike, skateboard, longboard, scooter, or roller-blades/-skates and go to work or school. It would be even better if you got some buddies with you. So, less emissions saves the environment.
Wind-Up Cars
In order to save electricity, we could you use wind-up, or crank cars. Just like most of us played with as kids. So, the more times you crank the "wheel", the more miles you go. That's why we have kids. So, this cuts down emissions because it runs on gears, not gas or electricity, so it uses NO ENERGY whatsoever! The only energy used, is human energy. This is another way to help the environment.
Decorations for any holiday takes electricity! We need to start to use energy saving lights and decorations. It would cut down on money and energy. They could be even better if we came up with new designs and the lights would shine lighter because of the different, cleaner solution. So, energy saving decorations could help your wallet, and the world!
Solar caller
How is paper recycled?
1. Collect - people have to put their paper in rcycle bins in order for it to be recycled.
2. Seperate - there is a special chemicals that is added in order to break down and seperate the fibers
3. Washing - detergents are added that will make the ink come out with the soap bubbles
4. Remixing - more pulp is added if needed
5. Making the Paper - chemicals is added to it ond placed on a fast moving screen as if it were new pulp
To find more information go to:
Solar Yard Lights
Do you need lights for your yard in order to see sidewalks and pathways? Solar yard lights are very convienent to use in your yard. They do not produce as much light as tradtitional light fixtures, but they are great for pathway lighting during the night. They also need to be placed somewhere where they will receive six or more hours of direct sunlight a day. Insallation of these devices is very easy because they have their own mini solar generator, so no wiring is required. It will only take as long as it takes to pound into the ground to install one of these amazing devices.
For more information, please visit
One way to save energy with doors

Cell Phone Towers Can Help Forecast Wind Data
By Rhyan Montgomery
Vibration-Powered AA Battery Charges When You Shake It Up

By Allana Bochmann
Brothers Industries, a Japanese company, has created batteries that charge themselves when you shake them up. This is a great new idea because now we don't have to buy alot of batteries or waste materials to make more.
Information from PopularScience

Top 5 Endangered Animals
We endangering animals everyday by take their homes, their food, and their lives. These are the top 5 animals currently endangered.
1. Black Rhino- one of the largest northern subspeices to be discribed by scientist!
2. Giant Panda- the reason for it being endanger is loss of habitat.
3. Tiger- less than 6,000 remian in the wild to day.
4. Beluga Sturgeons- these are ancient living fossils.
5.Goldeeenseals- have the ability to heal numerous aliments!
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
NIFTY idea for parents of teens
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Aersol cans: Depleting the Enviroment One Spray at a Time
topic and info at:
Energy Saving Lawn Mowers

Monday, November 22, 2010
Windmills work fine and dandy as long as there is - well- wind. Due to curiosity, I found a cool little desk object that continuiosly spins. I found the reason that this spins is there is a weight on the inside that through different forces, it spins. There is a magnet on the outside of the wheel that just sits around. Why not use this technology to keep windmills spinning non-stop? We could have these "wind" mills everywhere to produce energy!
Solar-Powered Outdoor Lighting
Do you use outdoor lighting? Well you can save energy on outdoor lighting by using solar powered outdoor lighting. These little built in lamps can save money during the summer and winter. These lights go in gardens and porches to help see in the night.
swamp cooler v.s. air conditioner
A flash back for energy.
Friday, November 19, 2010
New Batteries
Pencil Sharpeners
SAVE Energy and SAVE Money
Enegry Saving
- Use new energy saving light bulbs
- Only take 5 minutes showers
- Shut off the water while you're brushing your teeth
- Shut off lights when you're not in the room
- Turn off all appliances when you go to bed
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
60 watt exercise
so is it possible to create electricity by exercising? YES
is it effective? NOT EVEN CLOSE!
Cell Phone Energy Saving Adapter
There is a new cell phone adapter that saves energy and money. This adapter is called the Enviroplug, a newer, greener, way to charge your phones. To use the Enviroplug, you simply plug your phone charger into the Enviroplug into the wall. The interesting and energy saving thing about the Enviroplug is that it doesn't keep wasting electricity when your phone is done charging.
For more info, visit:
Why Trees Change in Autumn

See-Through Fridge
See-through refrigerators would save so much energy. You could see what you have. You could see what you would want before you open saving time and money and energy. It would save the light and energy bill. But, before you set up your new fridge, you keep everything in the same spot which saves more and more energy.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Solar Powered Keyboards!
by Rhyan Montgomery
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Winter energy Savers
1) During the winter, keep your blinds and curtains open on the south side of the housse all day so that the sunshine can come in. This will help keep it warmer and cause for less use of the heater.
2)Set your thermostat as low as comfortable when you are home.
3)Leave your thermostat low when no one is home. Not too low, but from 65-72 degrees, and it will cut your bill by 10%
4)Weatherize your home caulk and weatherstrip any doors that leak air. This will keep the warm air in and cold air out!
5)Properly maintain and clean heating equipment.
6)Replace furnace filters regularly.
7)Check the insulation in your attic, ceilings, exterior and basement walls, floors, and crawl spaces to make sure they meet the levels recommended for your area.
If you follow these simple tips, you will be able to save money and energy, and stay warm this winter!!!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Solar-Powered Backpack?
Have you ever heard of a solar-powered backpack? No? Well, you have now. Offgrid has a solar backpack for sale for two hundred and thirty dollars each. So what does the power go to? What does a backpack even need with energy? Well, this backpack uses solar power to charge your electronic devices while you are in the sunlight. It can charge your PDA, cell phone, iPod, even your laptop! This backpack is light and functional, and can be plugged in anywhere for charging out of the sun. It is definitely worth your money!
For more info, visit
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Hurricane Energy
Hurricanes are tropical cyclones. They are called cyclones in India and Australia. Heat causes condensation of the water that's in the ocean, that makes water vapor, and that's the hurricane's energy soruce. Hurricanes are like giant engines they make wind energy out heat.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Water powered cars
If everybody had a water powered car we could heal the ozone. But too bad we don't. Anyways they actually have them now but there like really expensive. The way these cars work is by splitting the hydrogen and oxygen cells by creating electrolysis. That replaces gas with water. For many years people believed that this wasnt possible, but recently they have created a car that can do it. Its not very efficient though. They are still trying to perfect it.
do watered powered cars work? YES (:
are they reliable?NO ):
You may have energy... for a price.
These bats fly out at night and pick up sonar from the moving blades. The bats fly into them thinking its a meal and it gets killed by the huge blade. We all know that bats eat bugs or fruit. When the population of bats goes down, the population of mosquitos goes up. Mosquitos are the single most disease spreading animal on the planet. When these diseases are spread more, this causes pandemics like the swine flu pandemic. When we have a pandemic, we double the amount of illness materials that we use which means we go through our resouces faster. This is one of the reasons why we have off shore wind farms.
Green Tax
Morocco is located in Northwestern Africa and is known as the region's leader in taking care of the environment. Lately though, the residents are experiencing environmental problems, such as air and water pollution and climate change. Fishermen along the coast are not reeling in as many fish as before and that is because of the massive amount of water pollution. In some places sewage is dumped into the ocean. What is the government doing to solve these problems? They are implementing a "green tax." They are begining to use a multi-billion dollar series of projects to help solve and put restrictions on pollution. These projects will also cause violators to pay a "green tax."
For more information on Morocco's "Green Tax" go to:
Energy Saving Microwaves
Solar Power
Solar power is a energy source that takes the heat the sun generates and tranforms it into energy we need to run everything in our house. There are three main ways we use the Sun's energy. One is called solar cells which converts light directly into electricity. Another is called solar water heating where heat from the Sun is used to heat water from glass panels in your roof. The last one is called solar furnaces which use a huge array of mirrors to concentrate the Sun's energy into a small space and produce very high temperatures. Solar power is a great resource and should be used sparingly.
Waste Heat can be Converted into Electricity?
With rapid developments in idustrialization, the world has seen many items that generate heat. This heat has often been treated as waste. Now people are wondering if this heat can be used as a source for electric power. Physicists at the University Of Arizona have found new ways to convert heat waste in electricity. The research team at the university have been working on harvesting heat waste into energy. There findings were featured in the September 2010 issue of the scientific journal. There are many advantages to this. One of them is elimination of ozone depleting materials. The project also utilizes waste energy and advantages over solar energy because molecular devices help harvest from the sun and reduce dependence on photovolic cells. For the team at the University Of Arizona, their dream could actally become a reality someday.
Energy Saving Paint
This paint was developed by NASA to help maintain the temperature in the astronauts space suits. This paint is now available for the public to use. It can block out up to 97% of UV rays, which will also make the inside temperature lower, and cuts down the need for heating and cooling. An added plus is also that this paint will help block sound. This is an easy and inexpensive way to save energy, cut your heating bill and finish your painting!
Friday, November 5, 2010
Balloon humiliation
Water Antenna

Energy Flies out the Window!
Every year we loose about 33 percent of home heating and cooling energy through windows. You can now buy curtains that can save you up to 25 percent on your heating and cooling costs. Windows have the lowest insulation value in your home meaning that they loose more energy than walls or doors do. You can save $750 to $1,000 just by installing energy efficient curtains.
For more information go to:
Road Energy Saving Tips
Tips on saving energy on the road:
- Power your car with other fuels
- Drive cars that produce no exhaust or emissions
- Learn about hydrogen cars and start using them
- Consider using cars shortly and walk or ride a bike to work and other places.
Exercise Energy
You can fight two different battles in one! You can fight obesity and go green! In order to power your home, you have to ride a pedal bike that is hooked up to some power source. To power your WHOLE house by a pedal bike, you would need a BIG group of people, but you could do a single pedal bike to watch T.V. or power your toaster or other appliance. So, in order to use something in your home, you would need to pedal for it. So, if you use this method, then you can help the world in two ways, GOING GREEN, and FIGHTING OBESITY!
Hand Powered Washing Machine!?
IF you're looking for a greener way to wash your clothes then look to the hand powered washing machine. Its about as big as a table lamp and it's portable. What you do is put your water and detergent in with your clothes and turn the hand crank. By doing this it forces the water through the inside to wash the clothes.
So does the hand powered washing machine work? YES!
Is it very big? NO!
Thursday, November 4, 2010
10 Easy Ways to Save Energy
These are just a few simple ways to save energy.They are easy things that you can do every day to help.
1. use hand towels instead of paper towels
2. close the refrigerator door
3. close the oven door
4. plant a tree that will help keep you cool and reduce cooling
5. use lids on cooking pots to help cut the length of cooking time
6. bring reusable shopping bags when shopping
7. turn off the water while you are brushing your teeth
8. wait until you have a full load to wash laundry
9. ride your bike or walk
10. buy paper plates instead of disposable plastic ones
For a list of more go to:
Three-wheel electric cars
This car is a way that a company is trying to easily get electric cars out to the public. By making thes cars have only three wheels, so that they can be legally classified as a motorcycle and their top speed is 25 mph so that it can avoid highway crash testing, this makes it easier for the companies to get the cars out.
To learn more go to:
Basically, this car is a small 4 person Toyota looking thing that has a permanent trailer behind it. Ordinarily this car would go 100 miles on a full charge. Because the trailer is attatched, it can go 700 miles before needing a charge. This vehicle is hoping to be released in the early half of 2011. With more electric car charging stations going up, the Pru will be the ultimate gas shunning machine.
Hopefully this was good news to you too. Unlike most electric cars, this one will have a lot of storage. The trailer only has a fraction of the space in it taken up by the battery. This means you have the trunk space and the trailer space. The only problem with this monstrous machine is that it is EXPENSIVE.
info from:
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Tips On How To Save Energy While Cooking
By Rhyan Montgomery
Top 5 Solar Powered Countries
Theses are the top ten countries that use the most solar energy!
1. Germany-the world's leader... its most likely that Germany will stay number one.
2. Spain-was the world's leader!
3. Japan- is thrid globally and also a country worth emulating!
4. United States- U.S. should grow a lot in the up coming years.
5. Italy- second in 2009!
Eco-Friendly Paint
Did you know that paint can hurt your health? Some paints release low level toxic emissions in to the air for years after they have been applied, causing the air in many homes to be even more polluted than outside air. The solution to this toxic problem is buying and using non-toxic paints, such as Sherwin Williams and SoyGuard brand paints. The health benefits of non-toxic paints include reducing the amount of toxins in the air which helps everyone, even those who have alergies. Using non-toxic paints also reduces landfill and groundwater contaminants. Non-toxic paints are easier to clean up and dispose of and they don't have the same noxious odor of regular paint once finished. Using non-toxic paints can help the environment clean up and can help you save money, time, and the health of your family.
To learn more, visit
Baseball Game Bills
Monday, November 1, 2010
Fluorescent Lights

Energy saving ideas
2.Replace filters regularly
3.Find a system with a high SEER the higher the better.
4.Make sure vents have nothing over them or anything reducing air flow.
5. Make sure all doors are closed to prevent heat from escaping.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
The Nissan Leaf

Friday, October 29, 2010
Solar Powered Puma Phone
The company Puma decided to go green and come up with new ideas for smart phones. They, (the German company specifically) have created a green cell phone that has a solar-powered cell on its back for charging in the sun. It also has a built in eco-meter which displays a a real-time count of how many calls, texts and songs have been powered by the sun. The phone is even shipped in eco-friendly packaging. For one last cool surprise, if you use solar power to charge the phone, you get Puma store points. This may be the coolest green smart phone yet!!!
For more information, visit
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Bio fuels
By: Rachel Skillicorn
Bio fuels are when you make the best of our land use. Landfills generate and capture methane bio fuels which are then used to heat buildings and power electrical things. Sometimes when farmers want to break down plants, they use bio fuels as their fuel. The way they make bio fuels is by using sugar cane or corn. By doing this 2010 study shows that large scale production in ethanol gas is producing less greenhouse grass income in materials that humans don't eat. These are bio fuels.
rechargable batteries
Tidal Power
Unplug Unused Electronics
When you are not using a toaster, unplug it! It saves energy and money. A lot of appliances stay plugged when they are not in use. You should unplug lamps and toasters and gaming devices and cell phone chargers should be unplugged when not in use. Also, turn off the lights when you are done with them. These things can save energy and money. GO GREEN!
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Guatemalan Volcano is good?
Cited Source:
Have you or a loved one ever been in a natural disaster. To rebiuld simple shelters cost money and use up too much resourses. There is now a giant shelter that families can use and its made out of 100% cardbored! Suprisingly is waterproof and flame resistant. Families can take it anywhere because its light. Cardboard ORIGAMI.
Why solar power is better than other energy

Almost Waterless Washing Machine
A British company, Xeros, has created a washing machine that uses 90% less water than a typical washer. Replacing 90% of water, the machine uses nylon beads. Using this method would save about 1.2 billion tons of water per year which would be the equivalent of 17 million swimming pools! The machine would also use less detergent and there would be no need for tumble drying which would reduce the emitting of carbon dioxide. This almost waterless washing machine could be the start to a brighter future.
Sources used:
Coors Field Solar Power
Monday, October 25, 2010
Lighting Your Home

One way to save energy is by replacing regular lightbulbs with CFLs. If every American replaced just one lightbulb in their home with a CFL we would save enough eneregy to light three million homes for a year and save about six-hundred million dollars.
For more information go to:
Energy Efficent Refrigerators
Powder-Powered Bike
Green Roofs

Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Green Grenadiers

Creating Susainable Devoplement in Africa
By: Luke Bridges
Homemade Plane
MLB Team Makes Change
By Jake Basinger
Information from,
The 5 Foods that give you the most energy!
1. Grapes- they have lots of magnesium, which converts into energy. Plus grapes are easy to carry around and are a good snack.
2. Oats- oats are loaded with nutrients that aid in alertness and concentration. Thats why a bowl of oatmeal is good to start the day.
3. Sunflower seeds- sunflower seeds are full of protein, iron, zinc, and magnesium.
4. Peaches- peaches are great for a quick boost of energy, as well as, helping the body eliminate toxins.
5.Yams- yams are packed with vitamin c. they also balence blood sugar levels.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Toilets = more freshwater?
Monday, October 18, 2010
Save Water
There are many ways to save water but there is one that many people have not yet considered. While you wait fo ryour water to heat up, fill a glass or jar with the cold water to water your plants or trees. By doing this you are conserving the water that would have otherwise gone down the drain.
Can Robots Help Clean Up Oil Spills?


Solar Ovens